We are delighted that you are considering joining CAM. As an environmental group attempting to address the climate emergency, we have adopted the following objectives which we are asking you to sign up to:-
- To take practical actions in our local area to raise awareness;
- to enhance our local environment;
- to strive for carbon neutrality.
We are working with the One Planet framework, ten simple principles to plan, deliver and communicate our commitment to sustainability .
Membership of Climate Action Menston allows you to –
- Vote at our AGM (which takes place in May)
- Take part in any of our working groups
- Join conversations on our Slack collaboration group
Membership costs £10 per year for adults, £5 unwaged and is free for under 18s.
If you agree with our objectives and wish to join, please click here. This will take you to our membermojo page for you to join CAM.
If you would like to view your membership details, please click here.